About The Website


Polaris - The Hub:
" Polaris often called "Dhruv Tara" with this let this website be that guiding light
for all the students of BGSPS."

Polaris serves as the central hub for BGSPS and its various online resources. It provides students a unified platform for accessing school-related information. Polaris features links to all other BGSPS websites, making it the gateway to the institution's digital presence.

  • Navilos - Storytelling and Expression:
" To be as cautious,graceful and elegant as a peafowl is what we expect our students to be."

Navilos is a creative platform where students can unleash their storytelling skills. It encourages them to share their unique tales, personal narratives, and creative writing. Navilos offers a space for students to express themselves and connect through the power of words.

  • Ilios - Celebrating Achievements:
" The truth triumphing over the web of lies is the greatest victory for a man"

Ilios is all about celebrating the achievements and contributions of BGSPS students. It includes a recognition system for academic, artistic, and extracurricular accomplishments. Students can also contribute to the Ilios blog by sharing their success stories and insights.
  • Mensa - Riddles and Games:
"All study and no play makes BGSPS a dull place"
Mensa is the go-to place for students who enjoy intellectual challenges and interactive entertainment. It hosts a collection of riddles, brain teasers, and engaging games, fostering critical thinking and providing entertainment.

  • Snapshots - Social Interaction:
" A social connection builds memories that last for a lifetime"

Snapshots is a social media-inspired platform that encourages students to connect and share moments. Students can post photos, updates, and engage with peers. It's a place where students express themselves visually and maintain a sense of community.

  • House Points - Recognizing Excellence:
" Winning is nothing but gaining more knowledge and learning from a thousand mistakes"

House Points is BGSPS's system for recognizing student achievements, participation, and contributions. It promotes a healthy sense of competition by awarding points to houses within the school based on various accomplishments. It encourages students to excel in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities.

  • Events - Staying Informed:

" A student must be everything in every sense and to excel is what we aim"
The Events website keeps students informed about upcoming school events, extracurricular activities, and important dates. It serves as a calendar of events, ensuring that students never miss out on opportunities to participate and engage in school activities.

Each website within the BGSPS network has a specific focus and purpose, contributing to a vibrant and interactive digital ecosystem that enhances the overall student experience and fosters a sense of community and achievement. Polaris acts as the central link connecting students to these various resources and opportunities.

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