BGSPS's Official School Newsletter

Explore and Embark on your new journeys!
BGSPS's Official School Newsletter

Our Featured Categories💥

You'll discover all of the most up-to-date things over here!⭐

Tell your Tale!✍️
A creative platform where students can unleash their Literature skills. It encourages them to share their unique tales, personal narratives, and creative writing and connect through the power of words.
Blogging and Achiever's Corner✨
Get to know on the latest achievers! Listen to their stories from their own words .With Jam-packed interviews we aim to create an interactive blogging space.
Pick your Pic!📸
Share your best moments with the whole school using Snapshots! Where you have fun with pics and videos with your classmates or teachers.
Riddle your GameZone!
With mind-boggling riddles and classic-fun games. Polaris gives you the liberty to learn while having fun!
House Points🏆
The Battle for the final trophy is a never ending one! Get to know who ranks first in this race to ace challenge.
Whats next? Find out the latest events that are gonna happen in BGSPS to stay on your toes all the time and be even more excited!

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